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GEPF Conference I Day 2 I Session 2 I Risks and rewards for pension funds in infrastructure investing


Learning: Knowledge

A discussion on the practical benefits and risks of infrastructure investing for large and small retirement funds. This discussion included solutions that can be found for the risks faced by both investor groups. 

Phathutshedo Mabogo, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Eskom Pension Fund & Provident Fund; 
Leslie Ndawana, Principal Executive Officer, National Fund for Municipal Workers; 
Sipho Makhubela Chief Executive Officer, Harith General Partners; 
Ngatia Kirungie, Managing Director, Spearhead Africa; 
Vuyo Hlompho Ntoi, Joint Managing Director, African Infrastructure investments Managers (Pty) Limited (AIIM)

Moderator: Sifiso Sibiya, Head of Investments, GEPF